For many independent and even big hotel chains, map marketing is a much under utilised marketing resource. Google is continually integrating its web aps with Google Maps. Many hotels fail to up-date their Google+ business page profile and worse still some fail to claim management of their Google+ profile, leaving it:

  1. Unverified (no shield with a tick inside)
  2. a default cover (at least 2021 pixels wide)
  3. a default circular profile image instead of their brand. It's your Google+ business profile which whether you know it or not, shows up on Google Maps. Google Maps leads to discovery. If you understand copywriting for SEO, your Google maps can show up on the Google search engine. Eg: ours yellow highlighted on page one of the Google search engine.
    map marketing Perth Australia

Another form of discovery by travellers is they know the brand Google Maps, go to it and start searching for hotels near their destination such as a convention centre, airport, river, mountain, lake, beach etc. Eg for me I look for accommodation near nice beaches while my wife +Suree Sribuathet looks for swimming pools from satellite photos used to make Google Earth.

Another benefit is: Google maps are easily embedded on your web pages. Eg We embedded our at the bottom of our

All our web marketing clients get a free pin on our maps for years as a bonus reward for loyalty, containing:

  • sales pitch
  • photos and or video
  • links back to their website
  • Our gets about 100 thousand views per year. Not bad considering it's not even a website but rather simply a domain name that links to a Google with travel videos where anyone can reach out to travellers, vloggers, and over 1,000 members with up-to one free promotional post per month for hoteliers, or more if I consider them public interest destinations.


  1. Go to If you don't see your Google profile circular photo in the top RHS corner, sign in to your Google account.
    how to creat a Google map

  2. My google maps

  3. Create Google Map


  1. You can add videos to Google maps but only with Android.
  2. Google Maps AppOn your Android phone or tablet, open the Google Maps app.
  3. Search for a place or tap it on the map.
  4. From the bottom, tap the place's name or address to see more info.
  5. Tap Add photos. (You might have to scroll down).
    1. Choose a photo or video from your gallery: Tap Folder.
    2. Take a new photo: Tap Camera, then tap the shutter.
    3. Take a new video:
      1. Tap Camera  tap and hold the shutter for up to 10 seconds to record a video. To remove a video’s sound, tap the sound bars on the bottom right.

See Video Marketing

Last map marketing tip: If you have a land mark near your hotel and want to add it to Google maps, you can add it via   Then when travellers search for the landmark, they'll see your nearby hotel's Google+ profile.

If you need help with creating a Google map or need to know why or how's of marketing advice or any other type of web marketing advice, phone our map marketer, 8 to 5 Western Australian Standard time, Monday to Friday for up-to 10 minutes of free consultation or contact me via

I'm based in Australia so if you want map marketing in Australia or want to know how to improve your business listing on Google Maps and or want help with improving your Google Business Profile, then contact.

Top Map Marketing