Science Marketing Australia

Who better to choose for web based science marketing in Australia than an experienced Australian science and technology professional / best web marketer in Australia.

By Ben Grummels: 17 Years science and technology mainly in academia, mostly in Australia. 17 Years in web marketing. Try "web marketing australia" in your favourite search engine to see organic SERP 1st for this and hundreds of competitive phrases.

Science Marketing Australia

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Ben Grummels research scientist Australia.
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Want effective web marketing for commercialisation of your innovation? Phone me. Don't give up if I'm consulting with a client. It's worthwhile trying again to contact the best web marketer in the world with an Australian science background if he's busy.


Science education at Australian high schools is being held back with over the decades a growing mountain of red tape that wastes science teachers science lab time. Here's a copy of my complaint to the Education Department of Western Australia. Let's see if they'll undertake a review of time wasting red tape imposed by leagal teams and out of touch science education policy makers.

The reason why I gave up science teaching was the growing amount of red tape.

As an example in the 1970s when I was teaching in Broome I told a class to get on the bus. As I walked past the office I grabbed the keys. At the abators, anatomy students could see inside a cow as it was sliced open. Organs could be dissected back at school. There was no sending out forms to parents. No organising supervision for kids without forms. It was "just do it". Practical science enthuses students. After teaching overseas and writing a practical science curriculum in Qatar, I did 6 months of relief teaching in Bunbury in about 1998. The red tape, and duty of care such as supervising kids getting on busses after school was so onerous and got in the way of science teaching that I stopped teaching non-adults. (I was a TAFE Centre Manager and still teach a bit via my old website


is about the growing amount of red tape impacting science teaching. I'm guessing your legal team will counter by saying parents have become more litigious and risk-averse but i say to hell with them. Life is full of instant risk analysis. I don't want WA science teachers wasting time anymore, writing a risk assessment about everything they wheel out into the lab. Stop it now. When I teach my kids basic life skills like how to light a fire I do a quick analysis and teach them safety but I don't write about it.

Please have the education department review all time-wasting red tape. Your policy is killing the enthusiasm of WA STEM students. Please let me know if your department agrees to conduct my requested review within 12 month?


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